Side Project Guide (part 1.)

Side Project Guide (part 1.)


Maybe you're searching for a place to try new things and learn outside of your usual work or school. Do you want to get better at making software? Are you interested in making cool stuff? Do you struggle to make time for your side project? Or do you want to work on something but can't think of a good idea? Or do you have a bunch of projects that you started but never finished? If you can relate to these feelings, then this book is perfect for you. It will help you with all of these challenges and give you practical solutions to overcome them.

Welcome to the world of side projects! Side projects are more than just hobbies or ways to pass the time. They are amazing for personal growth, learning new skills, and advancing your career. They're like a sandbox or a canvas where you can bring your ideas to life without worrying about deadlines, grades, or job titles.

Whether you're an experienced software developer, a recent coding bootcamp graduate, or someone who wants to become a programmer, side projects can take you on an exciting journey of discovery and innovation. They give you a chance to dive deeper into familiar technologies, explore new ones, and solve real-life problems. They help you learn new techniques, improve your problem-solving skills, and become better at working on your own and with others.

But starting a side project can be overwhelming. Where do you begin? What should you create? How can you balance it with your other responsibilities? How do you stay motivated and finish your project?

This book is here to guide you through it all. It's filled with practical tips, real examples, and helpful advice. It will help you navigate the rewarding process of creating your own side projects. We'll cover everything from finding inspiration and planning your project to overcoming challenges and showcasing your work to the world.

The world of side projects is full of opportunities, surprises, and valuable lessons. It can be tough at times, but incredibly rewarding. And remember, every line of code you write, every bug you fix, and every problem you solve brings you closer to becoming a better developer.

So, are you ready to explore, create, and grow? Your side project adventure starts now! Let's begin.

For who?

Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, this book aims to provide you with straightforward advice to help you navigate the world of side projects. No matter if you have a full-time job, go to school, or work on your own, this book is here to help you.

If you often find yourself daydreaming about that amazing app idea or a personal project you've always wanted to pursue but don't know where to start, this book will be your guide. It's designed to inspire and motivate you, and to help you overcome the challenges that come with side projects.

Whether you want to build a mobile app, a website, or explore exciting technologies like artificial intelligence and IoT, this book will give you the knowledge and techniques you need. From coming up with ideas to designing, developing, and launching your projects, you'll learn the essential steps and best practices for success.

By reading this book, you'll gain insights from experienced developers who have been there before. You'll learn how to manage your time effectively, avoid common mistakes, collaborate with others, and use helpful tools and resources to boost your productivity.

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-exploration, innovation, and personal growth through side projects, grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and let this book be your companion. Together, we'll unlock your creative potential and help you become a skilled software developer in the world of side projects.

Why Side Projects?

A side project, as the name suggests, is a project you work on outside of your main job or responsibilities. For software developers, this could involve writing code, designing interfaces, building applications, or even creating a new software product. It's essentially a hobby or personal interest that also relates to their professional skills.

side projects are not just an extension of a developer's work, but they can be a fun, rewarding and strategic part of their professional growth. They offer a unique opportunity for learning, creativity, and showcasing one's abilities.

Improving Skills Through Side Projects

When it comes to skill enhancement, particularly for software developers, side projects play a pivotal role. These personal projects provide an invaluable platform for honing and refining coding skills, which are crucial in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Unlike the structured and often restrictive environment of a professional setting, side projects offer a realm of limitless possibilities where developers can experiment, make mistakes, learn, and grow without the pressure of deadlines or client expectations.

The beauty of working on side projects lies in the freedom they offer. Developers can choose projects that align with their interests or curiosity, making the learning process much more enjoyable and engaging. For instance, a developer may choose to delve into a new programming language that isn't currently relevant to their job but holds personal or future professional interest. This proactive approach to learning keeps their skills sharp and their knowledge base expanding.

Moreover, side projects serve as a practical laboratory for trial and error. In a day job, the stakes are high, and there’s little room for experimentation that could potentially lead to failure. However, in a personal project, a developer can try out new coding techniques, play with different software architectures, or even attempt to integrate new technologies into their work. This hands-on experience is invaluable. It's one thing to read about a new technology or method; it's entirely another to implement it in a working project.

The iterative nature of these projects also contributes to skill development. As developers build, test, and modify their projects, they encounter a wide array of challenges and problems. Finding solutions to these issues not only improves their problem-solving abilities but also deepens their understanding of programming concepts and software development as a whole.

Furthermore, side projects can lead to the discovery of personal strengths and weaknesses. A developer might find that they have a knack for front-end development or a particular interest in database management. These discoveries can guide future learning paths and career decisions.

In addition to technical skills, side projects can also enhance soft skills such as time management, self-motivation, and perseverance. Balancing a personal project with a full-time job requires discipline and planning. The success of a side project hinges on the ability to self-motivate and continue working, even without external deadlines or incentives.

Portfolio Building

Building a portfolio is like creating a personal gallery of your work as a software developer. It's a collection of the projects you've done, and it's super important because it lets you show off your skills to people who might want to hire you or work with you.

Think about when you apply for a job or want to move up in your career. Having a portfolio filled with side projects can really help you shine. It's much more convincing to show someone the actual work you've done rather than just telling them about your skills. This is where your side projects come in. They are proof of what you can do.

But it's not just about showing your technical skills. Your portfolio also tells a story about you. It shows that you love coding enough to spend your free time on it. This kind of passion and dedication is something that really impresses employers. They want people who are not just skilled but also really into their work.

Your side projects can often be more creative or interesting than your regular job tasks. This is because you get to choose what you work on and how you do it. These projects let you tackle real-world problems and come up with your own solutions. This kind of experience is really valuable. It shows potential employers that you're good at handling tricky situations and thinking outside the box.

Having a variety of different projects in your portfolio is also a good thing. It shows that you're flexible and can handle different kinds of work. Maybe you've made a website, an app, and a piece of software that does something really unique. This variety makes you look adaptable and ready for new challenges.

As you keep adding projects to your portfolio, it also becomes a record of how you've grown over time. You can see how your skills have improved and how you've become better at what you do. This kind of personal growth is really important, and being able to show it to others is a big plus.

When you share your portfolio online, you're also putting yourself out there in the professional world. It can help you connect with other people in your field, like potential employers or other coders who might want to work with you. This kind of networking is a big part of building a career.

Getting feedback on your work is another great thing about having a portfolio. When other people see your projects, they can give you advice and suggestions. This can help you learn and get even better at what you do. It's a way to understand how others see your work and what you might need to improve.

In the end, having a portfolio built through your side projects is a really powerful tool. It's not just about showing off your past projects; it's about showing your skills, your passion for coding, and how much you've grown. It makes you stand out when you're looking for a job or trying to advance in your career. A great portfolio can be the key to opening new doors and taking your professional life to the next level.


When you're working on side projects as a software developer, one of the biggest benefits is the chance to really sharpen your problem-solving skills. These projects are like puzzles waiting to be solved, and each one can teach you something new and important.

In your regular job, you might have a set way of doing things. But in a side project, you're the boss. You get to decide how to tackle the problems that come up. This freedom means you can try different approaches and find out what works best. It's a kind of learning that you just can't get from a book or a class.

Let's say you're building an app on your own. You might run into all kinds of challenges, like figuring out how to make the app run faster or how to make it look good on different devices. These aren't just technical problems; they're opportunities to think creatively and come up with solutions. Every time you solve a problem in your side project, you're not just fixing something; you're learning and getting better at your job.

These projects also teach you to be patient and persistent. Sometimes, solving a coding problem can take a lot of tries, and it can be frustrating. But sticking with it and finding the solution is really satisfying. It's like completing a tough level in a video game. You feel proud and more confident in your abilities.

Another cool thing about side projects is that they often let you dive into new areas. Maybe you're used to working on websites, but your side project is about making a mobile app. This shift means you'll face a whole new set of problems to solve. It's a great way to stretch your skills and learn about different parts of software development.

Also, when you're working on these projects, you're not just improving your technical skills. You're also getting better at thinking on your feet and being resourceful. You learn to use the tools and resources you have to find answers and get things done.

Sharing your side projects with others can also help with problem-solving. You might get feedback or suggestions that you hadn't thought of. This can open your eyes to different ways of tackling a problem and help you see things from a new perspective.


Side projects have a special place in the heart of software developers, mainly because they offer a unique chance to work on something that truly sparks their passion. This passion is not just a source of enjoyment; it plays a key role in driving motivation and boosting productivity.

When you're working on a project that you really care about, it doesn't feel like just another task; it feels more like a personal mission. This is the magic of side projects. They let you choose what you want to work on, and this freedom is a game changer. Maybe you're passionate about building an app that solves a problem you've encountered, or perhaps you're excited about creating a game you've always wanted to play. Whatever it is, working on something that matters to you personally makes the whole experience more fulfilling.

This personal connection to the project ignites a level of enthusiasm that's hard to replicate in regular work tasks. When you're excited about what you're working on, you naturally put in more effort and energy. You might find yourself losing track of time because you're so engrossed in your work. This kind of engagement is a powerful productivity booster. You're likely to get more done in less time because you're fully invested in the project.

Moreover, working with passion means you're always eager to learn more and do better. You might dive deep into research, explore new technologies, or polish your skills to make your project as good as it can be. This drive to excel not only enhances the project but also contributes significantly to your personal and professional growth.

Passion also helps you overcome obstacles and setbacks. When you're working on something you love, you're more resilient in the face of challenges. You're more likely to find creative solutions and keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. This kind of perseverance is invaluable, especially in the ever-changing world of software development.

Another beautiful aspect of working on passion-driven side projects is the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction it brings. Completing a project that you're passionate about gives you a sense of pride that is deeply gratifying. It's a reminder of your capabilities and the joy that comes from doing what you love.

In essence, passion is the fuel that powers side projects for software developers. It transforms these projects from mere tasks to exciting adventures. The joy and enthusiasm you bring to your side projects not only make the work enjoyable but also lead to higher levels of motivation and productivity. It's about doing what you love and loving what you do, and in the process, creating something truly remarkable.


Side projects for software developers are often the birthplace of innovation. These projects provide a unique space where developers can unleash their creativity and explore new ideas without the constraints typically found in their main jobs. It's in these personal ventures where groundbreaking concepts often take shape, leading to advancements and novel solutions in the world of technology.

In the day-to-day work environment, there are usually strict guidelines, objectives, and deadlines that must be adhered to. These constraints, while necessary for organizational coherence, can sometimes stifle creativity. In contrast, side projects offer a sense of freedom where developers can experiment with innovative ideas that they've been pondering. This could be anything from testing out a new programming language or framework, to developing a completely original piece of software that addresses a unique problem.

This freedom to experiment is a crucial aspect of innovation. Without the pressure of deadlines or fear of failure, developers can take risks and try out unconventional solutions. These experiments, even when they don’t lead to immediate success, are valuable learning experiences. They often lead to unexpected discoveries and insights that can be pivotal in the development of new technologies or methods.

Side projects also allow developers to integrate and apply knowledge from different fields, fostering interdisciplinary innovation. For instance, a developer with an interest in music might create a software that combines coding with music theory, leading to a novel application that wouldn’t typically be developed in a standard work setting.

Moreover, innovation in side projects often arises from a desire to solve real-world problems that developers encounter in their everyday lives. These are issues that they are genuinely passionate about, and this personal investment drives them to come up with creative solutions. These solutions not only have the potential to benefit the developer but can also have wider applications, impacting the industry and society positively.

The innovative ideas born from side projects sometimes lay the groundwork for future professional projects or even new businesses. There are numerous stories in the tech world where a simple side project evolved into a successful startup. This is because these projects allow for the exploration of ideas that, while risky, have the potential to be disruptive and transformative in the market.

Innovation in side projects is a vital aspect of the technological landscape. It is where boundaries are pushed, risks are taken, and creative solutions are born. These projects provide an avenue for software developers to step out of their comfort zones, challenge the status quo, and contribute to the field of technology in significant and often unexpected ways. Side projects are not just a means of personal expression and growth for developers; they are a driving force behind the evolution and advancement of technology.


Networking is an essential part of any professional's growth, and for software developers, side projects offer a unique and effective avenue to expand their professional network. These projects provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and open doors to new collaborations and career opportunities.

When you dive into a side project, you're not just building something; you're also building relationships. For instance, you might need help with a part of your project that's not your expertise, leading you to reach out to someone who has those skills. This initial interaction can blossom into a professional relationship that lasts well beyond the project.

Online communities and forums related to software development are often buzzing with people discussing their side projects. Participating in these discussions not only helps you gain new insights but also gets your name and work out there. Other developers, potential employers, or collaborators can come across your project and reach out to you, expanding your professional network.

Collaborating on side projects is another great way to network. Sometimes, developers team up to work on larger or more complex projects that they couldn't handle alone. These collaborations are not just about getting the work done; they're also about learning from each other. You get to see how other people approach problems and manage their work, which can be incredibly insightful.

Furthermore, side projects can lead to public visibility, especially if they gain traction or recognition. This can bring opportunities to speak at conferences, participate in podcasts, or contribute to tech blogs, further expanding your network. These platforms not only showcase your technical skills but also establish you as a knowledgeable and influential figure in the software development community.

Networking through side projects also often results in meaningful mentorship opportunities. You might find someone who's more experienced in the field and willing to offer guidance on your project. On the flip side, you could end up mentoring someone else, sharing your knowledge and experience. These mentorship roles can be incredibly rewarding and lead to strong professional relationships.

In the world of software development, where the landscape is continually evolving, having a robust professional network is invaluable. It opens up new avenues for learning, collaboration, and career advancement. Your side projects can be the key to building this network. They provide a platform to showcase your skills, connect with others in your field, and open doors to opportunities that might otherwise be inaccessible.

Networking through side projects is about more than just making professional connections. It's about creating a community of practice where ideas, skills, and opportunities are exchanged. It's a way to engage with the broader software development world, contributing to and benefiting from the collective knowledge and experience of the community. Side projects thus serve as a critical catalyst for building a rich and supportive professional network.

Choosing the Right Side Project

Choosing the right side project is a bit like picking the perfect dessert. You want something you'll enjoy, but you also need to think about what you can realistically make with the time and ingredients you have. Here's how you can do that for your side project.

First, think about what's possible for you. This is like looking at the ingredients in your kitchen. What skills do you have? How much time can you put into the project? Can you do it alone or do you need a team? Also, think about how big the project is. A big project might seem exciting, but it could also take a lot of time. Sometimes, it's better to start with a small, manageable project that you can finish in a reasonable time.

Next, set clear goals for your project. This is like deciding what dessert you want to make. Do you want to learn a new programming language? Or maybe you want to solve a specific problem you've noticed? Having clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated.

Then, think about what other people might want or need. This is like thinking about who's going to eat your dessert. Maybe you're making it just for yourself, and that's fine. But if you're hoping other people will use your software, you need to think about what they need. You could do a little research to see what people are looking for. Or, you could think about problems you've noticed that no one has solved yet.

The best side project is one that you're excited about, but that's also doable with the time and skills you have. And if you want others to use it, it should be something they need. So think about what you can do, what you want to do, and what others might want. Then, get started on making your perfect project.

Completing Your Side Project

It's common for side projects to end up half-finished. There are a few reasons for this: lack of time, loss of interest, the project becoming too complex, or facing problems that seem too hard to solve. But don't worry, here are some tips on how you can avoid these pitfalls and finish your side project.

Setting Realistic Goals

For software developers diving into side projects, setting realistic goals is a crucial step. It's easy to get carried away with big ideas and ambitious plans, but the key to success in these ventures often lies in starting small and being realistic about what can be achieved.

Firstly, it's important to understand that side projects are different from your main job. They are typically pursued in your spare time, which means you have limited hours to dedicate to them. Recognizing this constraint is vital. It helps in setting goals that are achievable without overstretching yourself.

When you start a side project, it’s tempting to aim for a complex, feature-rich end product. However, this approach can lead to frustration and burnout, especially when progress is slow. A more effective strategy is to break down the project into smaller, manageable parts. Set goals for each of these parts. For example, instead of aiming to build an entire app in one go, start with developing a basic version with just one or two key features. This makes the task less daunting and more manageable.

Another aspect of setting realistic goals is being clear about the purpose of your project. Are you doing it to learn a new skill, to solve a specific problem, or maybe just for fun? Understanding the ‘why’ behind your project will guide you in setting appropriate goals. If your aim is to learn a new programming language, for instance, your goal might be to complete a small project using that language, rather than creating a commercially viable product.

Time management is also crucial. Estimate how much time you can realistically devote to your side project each week, and plan your goals accordingly. Remember to factor in time for research, learning, and unexpected challenges. It’s better to set smaller, achievable goals and expand them later, rather than starting with a huge goal that becomes overwhelming.

Setting realistic goals also means being prepared to adjust them as you go. Side projects are often about exploration and learning, and it's not uncommon to encounter unforeseen challenges or to find that something takes longer than expected. Be flexible and willing to modify your goals based on your experiences and progress.

Finally, celebrate the small achievements. Every goal you meet, no matter how small, is a step forward in your project and a boost to your learning and development. Acknowledging these accomplishments keeps you motivated and engaged with your project.

Setting realistic goals is an essential part of managing side projects effectively. By starting small, understanding the purpose of your project, managing your time wisely, being flexible, and celebrating small wins, you can make your side project a rewarding and enriching experience, both personally and professionally.

Planning Properly

Effective planning is a cornerstone for successfully managing side projects, especially for software developers. Unlike main job tasks, which often come with defined objectives and deadlines, side projects require self-driven planning to ensure they are both enjoyable and productive.

The first step in planning a side project is to clearly define what you want to achieve. This involves setting specific, measurable goals. For instance, if you're interested in learning a new programming language, your goal might be to develop a small application using that language. Having clear objectives gives your project direction and purpose.

Once you have your goals set, the next step is to break down these goals into smaller, actionable tasks. This breakdown makes the project more manageable and less overwhelming. For example, if your project involves building an application, you could start by outlining the application's design, then move on to coding individual components, and so on. This step-by-step approach helps keep you focused and organized.

Time management is crucial in side project planning. It's important to realistically assess how much time you can dedicate to your project weekly. Remember, side projects are typically pursued alongside full-time jobs and other personal commitments. Create a schedule that allocates specific times for working on your project. This structured approach helps in maintaining a balance between your professional, personal, and side project commitments.

Resource planning is another key aspect. Evaluate what resources you need for your project. This could include software tools, learning materials, or even reaching out to other people for advice or collaboration. Planning for these resources in advance ensures that you have everything you need to progress smoothly with your project.

Be prepared to revise your plan as needed. Side projects often involve exploring new ideas or technologies, and it's not uncommon to encounter unexpected challenges. Being flexible and willing to adjust your plan is important. If a certain aspect of your project is taking longer than expected, or if you discover a new area of interest you want to explore, be open to modifying your plan to accommodate these changes.

Finally, don't forget to include milestones and checkpoints in your plan. These are moments where you pause to evaluate your progress. Have you achieved what you set out to do? Do you need to make any changes to your plan? Regularly assessing your progress helps keep the project on track and allows you to make any necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

Estimating Time

Estimating the time required for a side project can be challenging, especially when you're excited about your idea and eager to get started. However, it's a critical part of the planning process and can help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Here's a simple guide on how to estimate time for your side project:

Break Down the Project: Divide your project into smaller, manageable tasks. This could be coding specific features, designing user interfaces, setting up databases, testing, or bug fixing. The smaller the task, the easier it will be to estimate.

Estimate Time for Each Task: Now that you have a list of tasks, try to estimate how long each one will take. If you have done similar tasks before, use your past experience as a guide. If you haven't, do some research online or ask other developers who have experience with these tasks.

Factor in Learning Time: If your project involves learning new technologies or concepts, remember to account for the time it will take you to learn. This could involve reading documentation, watching tutorials, or doing practice exercises.

Add Buffer Time: No matter how carefully you plan, things often take longer than expected. Unexpected problems can arise, or a task might be more complex than you initially thought. So, always add some buffer time to your estimates. A common approach is to multiply your initial estimate by 1.5 or 2.

Consider Your Availability: Remember to factor in your personal schedule. How many hours a week can you realistically dedicate to the project? Don't forget to account for breaks and days off.

Review and Adjust: Once you have your initial time estimate, review it. Does it seem realistic? If it feels too overwhelming, you might need to simplify your project or extend the timeline.

Time estimates are just that - estimates. They are not set in stone and it's okay if things take longer than planned. What's important is that you're making progress and learning along the way. With experience, you'll get better at estimating the time required for tasks and managing your projects effectively.

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